The Corporation shall have two standing committees - the Planned Giving Committee and the Trust and Investment Committee.
  1. Planned Giving Committee
    1. Responsibility
      The Planned Giving Committee is delegated authority by the Board of Directors to, among other things, secure donations, gifts, bequests, and other investible assets for the benefit of the Corporation.
    2. Functions
      The functions of the Planned Giving Committee are:
      1. Provide creative ideas, advice, and counsel to the Board and the Trust and Investment Committee with respect to the Endowment Fund Planned Giving Program.
      2. Offer friends of the Lynden Pioneer Museum, through information and assistance in estate and financial planning, an opportunity to support the Lynden Pioneer Museum with planned gifts, both now and beyond their lifetime thought bequests, gifts of cash, securities, life insurance, pension plans, real property, and through funding of gift agreements, trust, and other types of life income agreements.
      3. Negotiate planned giving agreements with prospective donors, subject to these guidelines and the provisions in these By-laws.
      4. Provide seminars as needed for the supporting community to inform it of opportunities to give. Leaders of these seminars may be fromqualified providers of such seminars or from qualified members of the community.
      5. Distribute to supporters through mail and other means special brochures or letters describing the program.
      6. Distribute regular information to the public by way of Museum publications.
      7. Provide personal follow-up calls as requested to assist Museum supporters with wills and estate planning from which The Endowment Fund is a recipient.
    3. Membership and voting
      1. There shall be at least five members on this committee, of whom shall be a member serving on the current Board. The Board chairperson shall be an ex-officio member.
      2. The members of the Planned Giving Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors immediately after the annual election of directors upon recommendation by the Nominating Committee.
      3. Term of office shall be three years. Each member shall have one vote and a simple majority of committee members will decide matters brought before the committee.
  2. Trust and Investment Committee
    1. Responsibility
      The Trust and Investment Committee is delegated authority by the Board of Directors to, among other things, manage the investments of investable assets of the LPM Endowment Found arising from the planned giving program and to carry out the Board's responsibilities in acting as the trustee under the program.
    2. Functions
      The functions of the Trust and Investment Committee shall be to manage and invest the planned giving assets of The LPM in accordance with an Investment Policy Statement, adopted by the Board with the following investment objectives in order of importance:
      1. Safety of principal
      2. Being ethical in investment practices
      3. Obtaining the highest return on investments (interest, dividends) consistent with safety, recognizing the need for liquidity in operating fund assets.
    3. Membership and voting
      1. There shall be at least five members on this committee, one of whom shall be the Treasurer. The Board chairperson shall be an ex-officio member.
      2. The members of the Planned Giving Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors immediately after the annual election of directors upon recommendation by the Nominating Committee.
      3. Term of office shall be three years. Each member shall have one vote and a simple majority of committee members will decide matters brought before the committee.

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